About Hélène
Hélène is a poet and psychotherapist living in South Devon. Her debut collection, ‘The Plumb Line’ was joint winner of the Hedgehog Press Poetry Collection Competition 2020. The collection was published in 2022. The title comes from a dream conversation she had with her father.
She spent 8 years of her early childhood growing up in the Swiss Alps, before moving to the South East of England. She studied English Literature at Leeds University, and trained and worked as an actor in her twenties. She has been widely published in poetry magazines, anthologies and webzines. In 2022 she won The Silver Wyvern, Poetry On The Lake, for a single poem, (judged by Robert Seatter). She has been short-listed in the Bridport, long listed in the National, and highly commended in the Fool For Poetry Chapbook Award, (Munster Literature, all in 2023. Other competition successes can be seen in the competition and magazines section.